Thursday, March 31, 2011

Middle Age is Catching Up with Me

It's finally happened.  At 47, middle age has finally caught up with me.  I'm old and fat, and officially have to figure out how to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol.  Oh, yeah, and get rid of the stress.  LOL.  It's not fair.  I was once skinny like my daughter -- never gained weight in college -- lost all my weight after THREE kids.  But here I am 40 pounds heavier and graying.  So, I've been on a diet for 2 weeks now.  Whole grains, veggies, fruit, yada yada.  I've lost maybe a couple pounds, but I feel BETTER.  And I'm not hungry all the time.  Can I get fit by July?

And now a test of my Amazon Associates Linking....


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